Friday, October 9, 2009

What's your thoughts about this?

News story this week - a 15 year old boy in another state had his cell phone taken away as a disciplinary action by his mother. The boy reacted by kicking his mother in the throat, head-butting his brother and biting and kicking his father who, being a corrections officer, had handcuffs and proceded to handcuff his son. Police were called and the boy is now in jail on $1000 bond. Your thoughts on this please; causes, effects, solutions?


Autumn ♥ said...
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Autumn ♥ said...

Ok well I think that his mom has the right to take away his cell phone. I think that the boy should not have reacted that way towards it. He should not even lay a hand on his parents or brother. I just don't think that his dad should have called the cops. I think his dad should have just handled it on his own and do something about it.

sarahn said...

Here is what I think about that, the boy shound'nt of done that. His dad should have done something else instead of calling the cops. I also think that maybe the family could of have punished him in a different way, so maybe he would'nt have beat up his family and went to jail.

Professor Xavier said...

he's crazy....i would sacrifice freedom for a cell phone.

EllieC said...

Okay, so why did the boy have his cell phone taken away? was it a misunderstanding? He did not have the right to react in such a manner. And you would think that since his father is a corrections officer, he could do some kung fu or something to his son. I think that the parents took the jail thing to an extreme...They could have thought of another solution. Im sure that was freaky to watch someone that you know and love react in such a terrible way...So I just don't know what to say.

Eric said...

I commented on this in my blog.