Friday, January 29, 2010


We often take for granted what we have, everyone is prone to it, it is the 'nature of the beast', being human or however you want to phrase it. When a disaster takes place we will then think, wow, we have it pretty good. Sometimes we getted bogged with the small things and don't look at the big picture. As a student, I used to think, I can't wait to get out of school and get on with my life. I say to you students: Enjoy your life where you are now! Look for the good, don't dwell on the bad. If you have a roof over your head, enough heat and food to survive, you are better off than a major part of the world. Home life not going the greatest but you have some friends, then you still have some positives in your life. If situations become to hard, look for others to help you. Never think that there isn't a way to improve, even if it is to look at - get the best education you can now and then be able to do what YOU WANT TO DO WITH THAT LIFE. Don't be satisfied with the status quo, make life better, for you and others. Globaloria is about looking at the world with a global view, not just about yourself but about others. One of the games created was about Haiti. It kind of puts into perspective what we have here. Go to this site: (you'll have to copy and paste url) and play this little game to relate to what is going on in Haiti now. If you can, donate to the Red Cross or other relief funds; if you can't, see what you can do in your own part of the world to make it a better place. What do you think? Post on your blogs a reply to this message and tell how you can improve 'our own back yard".


Tj said...

I really like this; I wholeheartedly agree with you. I'm glad to see someone else point this out; I have a teacher I believe would say the same. It makes me happy to see that there are more who think like this.

madamedaigle said...

Thank you for this poignant reminder.

Autumn ♥ said...

Well actually I enjoy having snow days!!! um.. Flash is ok. I just need to learn a little bit more so that I can be more comfortable with using it. I have the Help Screen typed in Flash but I dont know how to change the font style and how to make it look professional. Lol. You have a good weekend