Tuesday, December 14, 2010

STEM and Civics

I have thought for several days on how to address this topic, the correllation between STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Civics I suppose it is sort of like my thoughts about Art. As I tell my students, Art is everywhere, it surrounds us, it is in our homes, our media, our clothes, products we use, etc. According to the Encarta Dictionary, Civics is: "Civics – civ.ics (noun); definition: study of citizenship; the study of the rights and duties of citizens".  If we are looking at being good citizens then we should look at ways to improve the way of life for others, whether in our own communities or in other areas of the world.
I believe that our Globaloria students become confused about their role in developing the games that they do.  One of the first things we ask them to do is to go to the "Play to Learn" section of the wiki and the first link takes them to another page where the one of the first links are to action game types. Perhaps this leads them to think that their most important function in the class is to create a game that is full of action and extensive game play. I don't think that is our function. I think our students' most important role is to develop a mindset of creating a fun, rigorous, educational experience for THEMSELVES as well as the gamer.
In a round-about way I suppose what I am trying to say is that any game can be tied in with STEM and Civics, just by the virtue of making the games relevant to being productive and socially aware global citizens.

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