Friday, May 14, 2010


What is education to you? Is it just your time in school or are there other aspects of 'education'? What are your thoughts about education? I hear students say "I can't wait until graduation; I can't wait to get out of here." Why? What is it that leads sutdents to say that? Are they just tired of the process? Do they think everything will magically come to them without as much knowledge or 'education' as they can accumulate? Tell me your thoughts...

1 comment:

madamedaigle said...

Hello! I am just browsing through Globaloria Blogs today....I love your calendar...very multicultural.
Speaking of education...I think we do not know how good we have it and do not take advantage of our opportunities. Elsewhere in the world, this is not the case...The future will tell the new role of the US in the world. Unless we start to better understand other peoples, perspectives, languages, cultures, we are at a disadvantage and will be less than competant in future internationnal collaborations in the 21st century. The world and the key players continue to change.