Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween!

October 30
Finally we are working in Flash. Students have begun working in the Flash program and it has been like ducks to water for some and others are being caution about getting their toes wet. It would certainly help if we had more time to work in class, by the time computers start up and are ready to go, the students only have about 40-45 minutes each day to actually work. I have been encouraging them to use the Wiki tips page, in fact, if they ask me about a certain topic I will usually ask them if they have checked the wiki tip page first. I do believe if they get used to going for help there,then when they work on their own at home that they will have that mindset built in.
Have had some trouble in loading software on older computers (Les' and my home computer) that didn't have dvd drives but Maitreyi helped with that. Figured out that if we transferred the software to a large flash drive we could load it through usb drive and it worked. Kudos to Maitreyi!
It is taking me a while to load paper prototypes onto the gwhs wiki pages but I hope to get it done in the next few days - I think the students did a great job on those. I think that some of the game ideas are a little simple but when the students start working on them I think they will make them a little more sophisticated.
I plan for the students to work next week in Flash very intensely, post their progress and then review and critque each others work. Feedback would be helpful from their peers, I believe.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like you are making great progress. Thanks for information about the jump drive because I don't have dvd at home and that is a way for me to install at home. Let us know if you can't do the videos.